Type: Undertakings

Former Registrant: NADEAU, Dr. Jeanne a.k.a. Joanne Nadeau (Registration No. 1614)

Date: November 19, 2009

Status: In effect

Nature of Action: A citation was issued on September 17, 2009, but was subsequently withdrawn on October 13, 2009 pursuant to s.37(4) when the College requested and the former registrant granted an undertaking or consent, in the nature of an undertaking or consent agreement that includes: (1) to admit having committed professional misconduct by engaging in a romantic and intimate relationship with an inmate who was a client; (2) not to apply for re‐ registration with the College for a period of 24 months, and to undergo a fitness assessment if and when Dr. Nadeau does apply; and (3) to agree that upon successful registration Dr. Nadeau will have a restriction on practice, including that she will practice under supervision by a supervisor, according to specific terms, until particular conditions are met. and when Dr. Nadeau does apply; and (3) to agree that upon successful registration Dr. Nadeau will have a restriction on practice, including that she will practice under supervision by a supervisor, according to specific terms, until particular conditions are met.

Reasons: A complaint, resolved by means of an undertaking and consent pursuant to s.36(1), concerning Dr. Nadeau engaging in prohibited conduct by engaging in a romantic, sexual, or exploitative relationship with a current or former patient in a correctional setting, and failing to cease the prohibited relationship