Type: Undertakings

Registrant: FREEMAN, Dr. Richard Jay (Registration No. 0565)

Date: November 5, 2012

Status: Completed

Nature of Action: A request from, and a grant by, the former registrant of an undertaking and consent agreement placing limitations on Dr. Freeman’s practice, including: a circumscribed scope of practice; an agreement not to engage in physical contact with clients; an agreement to restrict his clientele to male clients in his private practice; and a program of supervision for an initial period of at least three years,subject to extension. Dr. Freeman also agreed to certain conditions on his Hospital practice.

Reasons: A complaint resolved by means of undertaking or consent pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, concerning scope of practice; physical contact with clients or other recipients of psychological services; informed consent and/or informed assent; and restriction of clientele.

Update: All terms and conditions met as of January 22, 2015