Type: Undertakings

Registrant: HEARN, Dr. Richard Simon Fairfax (Registration No. 1194)

Date: March 25, 2013

Status: Completed

Nature of Action: A request from, and a grant by, the registrant of an undertaking and consent agreement placing limitations on Dr. Hearn’s practice, including a program of supervision for an initial period of at least two years, subject to extension, and an agreement to engage the services of a clinical mentor who will work in consultation with the supervisor appointed by the College.

Reasons: A complaint resolved by means of undertaking or consent pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, concerning sufficient bases for opinions; sufficient limitations to professional opinions; appropriate attribution to individuals of behaviours, perspectives, and motives;management of, and referral strategies for, requests for psychological services outside of area of competence; maintenance of objectivity, balance, and/or impartiality; review of responsibilities of regulated health professionals and registrants’ obligations under the Code of Conduct; boundary and judgment issues; and avoidance of harm.

Update: All terms and conditions met as of July 9, 2015