Type: Undertakings

Registrant: Wong, Yuk Shuen (Registration No. 1561)

Date: January 28, 2014

Status: Completed

Nature of Action: A request from, and grant by, the Registrant of an Undertaking and Consent Agreement placing limitations on Dr. Wong’s practice, including consent to the supervision of her practice of psychology for the purposes of practice enhancement.

Reason: The supervision includes the following: a review of area(s) of competence and selection of patients/clients; understanding of the definition of “client” and management of interested third parties; processes and understanding regarding referrals; choice of language and terminology; informed consent, including roles and responsibilities of any supervisees and/or co-signatories, and/or co-authors; professional standards for records management, record keeping and confidentiality; a review of the Code of Conduct as it pertains to practice records, test materials and test results; obtaining and documenting fully informed consent and the form thereof; the scope of psychological services; the processes for clearly stating limitations on options, conclusions and recommendations; objectivity to have sufficient scientific basis for opinions; assessment procedures and selection, administration and understanding of assessment instruments; assessment procedures and consideration of variables when interpreting assessment results, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations; assessment procedures regarding receipt of records and other information relevant to referral questions(s). The Registrant agreed to a program of supervision.

Update: All terms and conditions met as of September 10, 2015