Type: Undertakings

Former Registrant: Dr. Holly Prochnau, also known as Holly Fourchalk

Date: February 20, 2014

Status: In effect

Nature of Action: An Undertaking Agreement signed by the Former Registrant, including the following terms:

  • Removal of any and all reference on any website, advertising, marketing, and/or other promotional materials (except in the Former Registrant’s CV) to psychology, to the Former Registrant’s training, education and/or background in psychology, and/or to her former status as a registered psychologist;
  • To take all reasonable steps to implement removal irrespective of whether any website, advertising, marketing and/or other promotional materials are under the Former Registrant’s control or under the control of others;
  • In the case where materials are under the control of others, to make requests of the proprietors of such materials to comply with the foregoing;
  • That the Former Registrant’s CV will be a dated and separated document that individuals will need to open, rather than a listing embedded in or on any website, advertising, marketing and/or promotional materials; and
  • While these requirements do not preclude the Former Registrant from making the statement “I have a Ph.D. in Psychology”, any such statement must be accompanied by the additional sentence “I am not a Registered Psychologist” or “I am not registered with the College of Psychologists of BC”.

As a result of the Former Registrant’s voluntary cancellation of her registration with the College, she is also prohibited under section 12. 1 of the Health Professions Act:

  • From using the title “psychologist” or “registered psychologist”, or any abbreviation of either title, to describe her work or in association with a description of her work in British Columbia; and
  • From using any other name, title, description or abbreviation of a name or title that expresses or implies that she continues to be registered as a psychologist in British Columbia, or that she otherwise continues to be associated in any way with the College of Psychologists of BC.

Reasons: Complaints concerning the Former Registrant practising as a psychologist under a name not on the register, practising beyond her scope, and making claims that may be without sufficient empirical bases; resolved by means of Undertaking Agreement pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, following the Former Registrant’s voluntary cancellation of her registration with the College.