Type: Undertakings

Registrant: BLOMME, Mr. Gerald Cyril (Registration No. 1720)

Date: October 18, 2012

Status: In effect

Nature of Action: A request from, and a grant by, the registrant of an undertaking and consent agreement placing limitations on Mr. Blomme’s practice, a series of requirements that must be met in the event he applies to have said limitations on his practice removed, including a remedial coursework and a program of supervision, as well as an immediate period of consultation regarding certain matters arising out of this complaint.

Reasons: A complaint resolved by means of undertaking or consent pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, concerning certain types of assessments; recognition and selection of patients/clients appropriate for area of competence; and management of, and referral strategies for, requests for psychological services outside of area of competence.