Type: Undertakings

Registrant: CLARK, Dr. Timothy (Registration No. 1050)

Date: October 18, 2013

Status: Completed

Nature of Action: An Undertaking Agreement placing limitations on the Registrant’s practice, including a program of mandatory consultation for an initial period of up to eighteen hours, subject to extension; a reprimand; and the issuance of a letter of regret to the Complainant.

Reasons: A complaint resolved by means of Undertaking Agreement pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act, concerning objectivity and scientific basis for opinions; sufficient limitations of opinions; management of, and strategies for, psychological services and area of competence; understanding of professional responsibilities; review of editing; boundary and judgment issues pertaining to dual roles; and a review of obligations under the Code of Conduct with emphasis on ensuring practice standards are met as they related to avoiding harm to clients and third parties.

Update: All terms and conditions met as of September 11, 2014