Type: Undertakings

Former Registrant: Mr. David Wong (Registration No. 0386)

Date: October 9, 2015

Status: In effect

Nature of Actions: The Registrant’s registration with the College was cancelled at the Registrant’s request, effective October 3, 2015.  As a result of Mr. David Wong’s voluntary cancellation of his registration, he is no longer entitled to work or practise in British Columbia as a “registered psychologist” or (for most purposes) as a “psychologist”. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the College of Psychologists of British Columbia at 604-(604) 736-6164.

Reasons:As a result of Mr. David Wong’s voluntary cancellation of his registration, he is no longer entitled to work or practise in British Columbia as a “registered psychologist” or (for most purposes) as a “psychologist”. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the College of Psychologists of British Columbia at 604-(604) 736-6164.