On May 25, 2017 the board of the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (CPBC) approved amendments to the CPBC’s bylaws. These amendments are subject to the notice requirements described in section 19(6.2) of the Health Professions Act. Notice is hereby provided to the public, Ministry of Health and other interested stakeholders of the amendments as described in the Schedule of Amendments and Blackline, which includes the following:

  • Adding to the bylaws the College policy of requiring candidates for board election to complete a Candidate Questionnaire and a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement and making information available to registrants upon request;
  • Closing application to the limited classes of Associate Psychologist (Corrections) and Psychology Assistant beyond the date of November 30, 2017;
  • Removing unused provisions for certification for the restricted activity of diagnosis;
  • Streamlining Temporary registration provisions, including allowing for waiver of fees if Temporary (Visitor) services are being provided in the context of an emergency as declared by the Registrar (e.g., natural disaster);
  • Revising provisions for non-practising registration to establish uniformity of requirements of registrants within this limited class, including requirements for application for reinstatement to previous registration class and registration fees;
  • Updating tariff of costs for hearings of the Discipline Committee and College Investigations (Schedule J & K).

The proposed schedule of amendments will be posted for three months (until September 2, 2017) to provide time for comments. All comments are considered by both the College and the Ministry of Health. If you prefer, you may provide comments directly to the Ministry of Health. Please see contact information below.

Notice of Date: June 2, 2017 

Deadline for comments: September 2, 2017 

College of Psychologists 

Email addressed to the Registrar at feedback@collegeofpsychologists.bc.ca

By fax at 604-736-6133

Ordinary Mail:
College of Psychologists of BC
#404 – 1755 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4S5

Ministry of Health

Complete the online MoH feedback form

Email the Executive Director, Professional Regulation & Oversight Branch at PROREGADMIN@gov.bc.ca

Ordinary mail:
Executive Director, Professional Regulation & Oversight Branch
Ministry of Health, Health Sector Workforce Division
1515 Blanshard Street
Victoria BC V8W 9P4