April 20, 2021

The College is pleased to offer the virtual session: “Cultural Safety and Humility – It Starts With Me” on April 30, 2021 from 1:15 pm to 4:15 pm. This important session will be led by facilitator Shannon Beauchamp (Migizi Miigwan Equae), who will introduce key concepts regarding Cultural Safety, including cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural competency, cultural humility, relational practice, trauma and intergenerational trauma, trauma stewardship, and accountability, and the acknowledgement that Change starts with me.
Presentation topics include:

  • Landscape and Context: What is Cultural Safety? What are the steps to achieving Cultural Safety?
  • The Uncomfortable Truths – The Role of History, Society and Past Traumatic Experiences: An examination of how colonization, the Indian Act, Residential Schools, the Child Welfare System, the Health Care System and ongoing experiences of racism and discrimination have and continue to impact Indigenous peoples in Canada.
  • Action and Accountability: Cultural Safety and Humility starts with me – A Call to Action on how individuals can put Cultural Safety into practice to create safer environments for everyone.

Participants will be provided with a takeaway workbook which will include reflection and action questions, some practical tips on how to put Cultural Safety into action, as well as additional resources to support them on their Cultural Safety and Humility journey.

NOTE:  In order to ensure safety and confidentiality of what is shared during the session by participants and by the presenter, this workshop will NOT be recorded.

More information about Shannon Beauchamp (Migizi Miigwan Equae) can be found at: https://shannonbeauchamp.com

Registration for the workshop is now open, please RSVP no later than April 23, 2021 by sending an email to rsvp@collegeofpsychologists.bc.ca. Information on access and participation will follow via email to those who have RSVP’d their attendance. A pre-workshop exercise for participants will also be circulated prior to the session..

The College of Psychologists of British Columbia is committed to supporting culturally safe health care services for all. We thank you for signing up and participating in this important session.