Coursework Requirements

The following coursework requirements apply for applicants who are graduates of non-CPA- or APA-accredited programs. Please note that 13 classroom contact hours = 1 semester credit hour.  Colloquia and practica hours do not count towards the coursework requirements as set out below. First, the applicant must complete three (3) or more graduate level credits (13 classroom contact hours = 1 semester hour) in each of the 10 areas below. Secondly, the applicant must obtain six (6) or more graduate level credits in at least four (4) of the areas below. Coursework areas are as follows:

  • Biological Bases of Behaviour (physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology, sensation and perception, or psychopharmacology);
  • Cognitive/Affective Bases of Behaviour (learning, cognition, motivation, or emotion);
  • Social Bases of Behaviour (social psychology, group processes, community psychology, environmental psychology, or organizational and systems theory);
  • Individual differences (personality theory, human development, abnormal, psychopathology);
  • Ethics and standards in professional psychology;
  • Research design and methodology (research design, experimental procedures, laboratory methods);
  • Statistics (statistics, multivariate analysis);
  • Psychometrics (measurement, test construction and validation);
  • Professional practice: assessment (application of assessment techniques);
  • Professional practice: intervention (application and theory of psychotherapy, counselling, behaviour modification).

Applicants not meeting the coursework requirements are encouraged to demonstrate equivalent competence, particularly in the areas of Biological Bases of Behaviour, Cognitive/Affective Bases of Behaviour, and/or Social Bases of Behaviour.  The Registration Committee will review senior undergraduate courses in these areas, on a case-by-case basis, if requested by an applicant in response to a letter from the Registration Committee identifying deficits in required coursework.  A maximum of two undergraduate courses may receive credit towards the coursework requirement. For unmet coursework requirements, the College may require completion of additional coursework or a demonstration of equivalent competence