PORTER, Dr. Stephen

Registrant: Dr. Stephen Porter, R.Psych. (Registration No. 1972)

Date: December 29, 2017  (updated March 29, 2022)

Status: In effect

Nature of Action: A request from, and a grant by, the registrant of an undertaking and consent agreement placing limitations on Dr. Porter’s practice including:

(a) Consent to a reprimand with regard to his conduct.

(b) To be under regulatory supervision by a registrant of the College for a period of 18 months, subject to extension or shortening at the discretion of the Inquiry Committee, with a particular focus on:

a. Boundary issues;

b. Power differentials;

c. Sexual harassment;

d. Professionalism;

e. Doing no harm;

f. Establishing and fulfilling agreements regarding scope of employment and remuneration.

(c) To not supervise students, researchers, and volunteers until the supervisor confirms his readiness and then only under their supervision.

(d) To provide letters of apology to the Complainants.

Reasons: Complaints resolved by means of undertaking or consent pursuant to section 36(1) of the Health Professions Act concerning the registrant’s conduct.

Updated March 29, 2022: The Registrant and the College agreed to amend his undertaking and consent agreement to reflect a change in his employment status. The Registrant’s amended agreement applies in any area of practice where the Registrant may seek employment, and requires his practice to continue to be under regulatory supervision by a Registrant of the College, with a particular focus on professional boundaries and power differentials, professionalism, and doing no harm. While under continued regulatory supervision, the Registrant also agreed to refrain from supervising others until his own supervisor confirms his readiness and the Inquiry Committee accepts that recommendation. If the Committee authorizes the Registrant to supervise others in the future, his amended agreement will restrict him from engaging with them socially via social media, text message, or at social gatherings. The regulatory supervision of the Registrant’s practice will continue for successive 6-month periods at the discretion of his supervisor, or until the Inquiry Committee releases the Registrant from the requirement for ongoing regulatory supervision of his activities and practice.